
Freedom Base

Freedom Base

Change Track 200 Freedom

Freedom Track is more than an opportunity for education, it’s an experience that can bring about transformation. It is a series of classes that will guide you through a process of emotional healing so you can experience personal freedom. By learning about Denise’s Bogg’s Unmet Needs and Peter Scazerro’s Emotionally Healthy Spirituality you are destined to experience a freedom beyond your imagination.

Freedom Track 201

One weapon the enemy uses to keep us bound is emotional injury, so if we do not address our emotional health, we will not experience God's best for our lives. In this lesson, we will uncover the importance of emotional health. This lesson also introduces the first of the ten emotional needs- Appreciation.

Freedom Track 202

We were all created with spiritual, physical, and emotional needs. When those needs go unmet, the result is a life inferior to what God wants for us. This lesson will explore the emotional needs of Affection, Attention, and Affirmation.

Freedom Track 203

We were all created with spiritual, physical, and emotional needs. When those needs go unmet, the result is a life inferior to what God wants for us. This lesson will explore the emotional needs of Security, Comfort, Encouragement, Support, Appreciation, and Respect.

Freedom Track 204

Emotional healing is the key to personal freedom, and purpose requires freedom. This lesson shares a strategy that can be used to support your plan to achieve emotional freedom.


Freedom Track Schedule

Online: Mondays at 7pm EST

In Person: Awakening

  • 3rd Saturday of the month in New Jersey
  • 4th Saturday of the month in Atlanta

Online: Awakening

  • 4th Saturday of the month

Want to complete all 4 sessions in one day? Join us for Awakening!